
Support 2017-09-27T07:47:15-05:00

Welcome to the Stepcraft Support Ticket System!

Emails sent to are automatically generated into support tickets and you will receive login details automatically. You can change you password by clicking on where is shows, “Welcome, Your Name”.

When contacting support please include your name, chose a descriptive title for your post, and if appropriate pictures or video of the issue.

You can attach images and zip files up to 5MB in size. There is a small progress bar that will move across the top of the screen showing the upload. It does not allow video uploads, for those either send as a zip file under 5mb, or use a online service such as Photobucket, Flickr, or YouTube to send video.

Using the ticket system you can close your ticket when the issue is resolved, we will also close tickets as well. Closing your ticket will let us know the issue is resolved. If you need additional help please reply to let us know.