We are adding new content daily; turning all of your questions and comments into information that is easily accessable to all Stepcraft customers.World-Class Support
Being a world leader in our CNC systems is not enough. We aim to provide the highest level of service and support, before the sale, after and beyond.SUPPORT TICKET SYSTEM
Do you have questions? We have answers! Use our support ticket system to get answers on our machines, software, accessories and more...Support Is Available From Around The World
You can also send and email to support@stepcraft.us and a ticket will automatically be created. This system allows our support team and dealer around the world to help resolve all of your issues.PRE-SALES SUPPORT
CNC can be confusing and you might have a project in mind and want to be sure you are buying the correct Stepcraft system to get the job done! We can help!Become An Expert
Do you have a lot of pre-sales questions? Our goal is to provide you with the knowledge you need to be become and expert.. Fast!Assembly Manual Video Help…
Our goal is to make sure that you can easily assemble your Stepcraft-2 machine. To aid in this process we produced videos that are designed to aid you in some steps where we feel a little more explaination would be helpful.
Access These Videos Two Simple Ways:
- Simply scan the QR codes in the manual using your Smartphone or Tablet and you will be taken directly to that support video. Click HERE for some recommended barcode scanning apps.
- Notice the 6 character code under the barcode. You simply type this url into your browser: www.stepcraft.us/XXX-XX to be taken to the support video. (Example: www.stepcraft.us/sc2-02)
You can visit our website for a complete showcase of all our Stepcraft-2 systems, accessories, software and more.